quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010

1. Your first pour is the most important part. The first pour should suggest restraint and enthusiasm at the same time. You could have poured yourself more, but you're just having this much. You could have poured yourself less, but you're having this much. About two fingers if it's neat. Halfway up the glass if it's on the rocks. A three-quarters-full glass if you're mixing it with tonic or club soda.
2. And don't drink right away. Let it sit there for a few seconds. Wait 'til everyone has a drink in front of them. Anyway, you're not eager here. You're contemplative — of your drink and the topics at hand.
3. Don't drink more than your boss. Obviously. (The hierarchy of intake should reflect the hierarchy of the organization. The boss drinks the most. The assistant drinks the least. It's a sliding scale that everyone should honor.)
4. But drink unapologetically and intently. Take full sips. You're drinking, so drink. Just know when to slow down.
Trecho da matéria "How to Drink at Work", publicada na Esquire Magazine.

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